Module hue_api.hue

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import colorsys
import inspect
import json
import os
import pickle
import uuid

import requests as re
import webcolors

import hue_api
from hue_api.lights import HueLight
from hue_api.groups import HueGroup
from hue_api.scene import HueScene
from hue_api.exceptions import (UninitializedException,

class HueApi:
    Hue API Core class that keeps track of lights, groups, and scenes.

    First initialize an instance of this class. 
    Then, either `create_new_user` or `load_existing`.

    From there you can run all of the other methods that this class provides. 


    - `lights` (`[HueLight]`): List of `HueLight`
    - `groups` (`[HueGroup]`): List of `HueGroup`
    - `scenes` (`[HueScene]`): List of `HueScene`
    - `grouped_scenes` (`Dictionary[str, [HueScene]]`): Scene dict, grouped by scene name

    def __init__(self):
        self.lights = []
        self.groups = []
        self.scenes = []
        self.grouped_scenes = {}

    def load_existing(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Load existing hue bridge user setting from `cache_file`.
        If no `cache_file` is provided, the `self.default_cache_file` method is used to make a cache file in the package's install directory.
        Finally, lastly, `self.default_cache_file` is used if not.

        After running this method, the API is authenticated and the Hue bridge can be interacted with.

            cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
            UninitializedException: Hue API could not be initialized
            with open(cache_file, 'rb') as cached_file:
                loaded = pickle.load(cached_file)
            bridge_ip_address = loaded.get('bridge_ip_address')
            user_name = loaded.get('user_name')
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise UninitializedException
        self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'

    def default_cache_file(self) -> str:
        Default cache file path, in the package's install directory.

            str: Cache file path
        package_base_dir = inspect.getfile(hue_api)
        package_base_dir = os.path.dirname(package_base_dir)
        path = os.path.join(package_base_dir, '.pickle')
        return path

    def create_new_user(self, bridge_ip_address, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a new API user for the Hue Bridge at the given IP address.

            bridge_ip_address (str): The IP Address for the Hue Bridge

            DevicetypeException: the Hue Bridge at the given address does not support interfacing via this API.

            ButtonNotPressedException: the button on the Bridge was not pressed, so the attempt to connect to it has failed
        url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api'
        payload = {'devicetype': 'hue_cli'}
        response =, json=payload)
        response = response.json()[0]
        error = response.get('error')
        if error:
            if error['type'] == 1:
                raise DevicetypeException
                raise ButtonNotPressedException
        user_name = response.get('success').get('username')
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
        self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'

    def save_api_key(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Save the API key (username) to a cache file.

            cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
        cache_file = cache_file or self.default_cache_file()
        with open(cache_file, 'wb') as pickle_file:
            cache = {
                'bridge_ip_address': self.bridge_ip_address,
                'user_name': self.user_name
            pickle.dump(cache, pickle_file)

    def fetch_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available lights from the bridge.

            [HueLight]: List of available lights. Also saved to `self.lights`
        url = self.base_url + "/lights"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        lights = []
        for id in response:
            state = response[id].get('state')
            name = response[id].get('name')
            hue_light = HueLight(int(id), name, state, url)
        self.lights = lights
        return lights

    def fetch_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available groups from the bridge

            [HueGroup]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.groups`
        url = self.base_url + "/groups"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        groups = []
        for id in response:
            group_name = response[id].get('name')
            lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
            group_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
            groups.append(HueGroup(id, group_name, group_lights))
        self.groups = groups
        return groups

    def fetch_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available scenes from the bridge

            [HueScene]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.scenes`
        url = self.base_url + "/scenes"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        scenes = []
        for id in response:
            scene_name = response[id].get('name')
            lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
            scene_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
            scenes.append(HueScene(id, scene_name, scene_lights))
        self.scenes = scenes
        self.grouped_scenes = HueScene.group_scenes(scenes)
        return scenes

    def print_debug_info(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print some debug info about bridge.
        print(f"Bridge IP address: {self.bridge_ip_address}")
        print(f"Bridge API key (username): {self.user_name}")
        print(f"API Base URL: {self.base_url}")

    def list_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the lights from `self.lights`
        for light in self.lights:

    def list_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the groups from `self.groups`
        for group in self.groups:
            print(group, "\n")

    def list_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.scenes`
        for scene in self.scenes:
            print(scene, "\n")

    def list_scene_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.grouped_scenes`.
        These scenes are in a `dict` of `{ scene_name(str) : [HueScene] }`
        for group in self.grouped_scenes:
            print(f"\nScene group:{group}")
            for scene in self.grouped_scenes[group]:

    def filter_lights(self, indices):
        Return only certain lights, by id

            indices ([int]): The ids of the lights we want

            [HueLight]: List of lights whose ids match `indices`
        if not indices:
            return self.lights
        return [light for light in self.lights if in indices]

    # Lights State Control

    def turn_on(self, indices=[]):
        Turn on only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn on. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def turn_off(self, indices=[]):
        Turn off only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn off. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def toggle_on(self, indices=[]):
        Toggle on/pff only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to toggle. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def set_brightness(self, brightness, indices=[]):
        Set brightness on only those lights whose ids are provided

            brightness (int or float): int value in range [0, 255], or float value in range [0, 1]
            indices ([int], optional): Indices for lights we want to set brightness on.
            Defaults to [].
        if isinstance(brightness, str):
                brightness = float(brightness)
            except ValueError:
            if brightness == 'max':
                brightness = 254
            elif brightness == 'min':
                brightness = 1
            elif brightness == 'med':
                brightness = 127
        if isinstance(brightness, float):
            if brightness <= 1.0:
                brightness *= 254
            brightness = int(brightness)
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def set_color(self, color, indices=[]):
        Set color for only those lights whose ids are provided

            color (str): The webcolor name of the color we want to set the lights to
            indices ([int], optional): Ids of lights we want to set color on. Defaults to [].
        if isinstance(color, str):
            color = webcolors.name_to_rgb(color)
            r = color[0] / 255
            g = color[1] / 255
            b = color[2] / 255
            r, g, b = color
        h, s, _ = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
        hue = int((2**16 - 1) * h)
        saturation = int((2**8 - 1) * s)
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
            light.set_color(hue, saturation)


class HueApi

Hue API Core class that keeps track of lights, groups, and scenes.

First initialize an instance of this class. Then, either create_new_user or load_existing.

From there you can run all of the other methods that this class provides.


  • lights ([HueLight]): List of HueLight
  • groups ([HueGroup]): List of HueGroup
  • scenes ([HueScene]): List of HueScene
  • grouped_scenes (Dictionary[str, [HueScene]]): Scene dict, grouped by scene name
Expand source code
class HueApi:
    Hue API Core class that keeps track of lights, groups, and scenes.

    First initialize an instance of this class. 
    Then, either `create_new_user` or `load_existing`.

    From there you can run all of the other methods that this class provides. 


    - `lights` (`[HueLight]`): List of `HueLight`
    - `groups` (`[HueGroup]`): List of `HueGroup`
    - `scenes` (`[HueScene]`): List of `HueScene`
    - `grouped_scenes` (`Dictionary[str, [HueScene]]`): Scene dict, grouped by scene name

    def __init__(self):
        self.lights = []
        self.groups = []
        self.scenes = []
        self.grouped_scenes = {}

    def load_existing(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Load existing hue bridge user setting from `cache_file`.
        If no `cache_file` is provided, the `self.default_cache_file` method is used to make a cache file in the package's install directory.
        Finally, lastly, `self.default_cache_file` is used if not.

        After running this method, the API is authenticated and the Hue bridge can be interacted with.

            cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
            UninitializedException: Hue API could not be initialized
            with open(cache_file, 'rb') as cached_file:
                loaded = pickle.load(cached_file)
            bridge_ip_address = loaded.get('bridge_ip_address')
            user_name = loaded.get('user_name')
        except FileNotFoundError:
            raise UninitializedException
        self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'

    def default_cache_file(self) -> str:
        Default cache file path, in the package's install directory.

            str: Cache file path
        package_base_dir = inspect.getfile(hue_api)
        package_base_dir = os.path.dirname(package_base_dir)
        path = os.path.join(package_base_dir, '.pickle')
        return path

    def create_new_user(self, bridge_ip_address, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a new API user for the Hue Bridge at the given IP address.

            bridge_ip_address (str): The IP Address for the Hue Bridge

            DevicetypeException: the Hue Bridge at the given address does not support interfacing via this API.

            ButtonNotPressedException: the button on the Bridge was not pressed, so the attempt to connect to it has failed
        url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api'
        payload = {'devicetype': 'hue_cli'}
        response =, json=payload)
        response = response.json()[0]
        error = response.get('error')
        if error:
            if error['type'] == 1:
                raise DevicetypeException
                raise ButtonNotPressedException
        user_name = response.get('success').get('username')
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
        self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'

    def save_api_key(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Save the API key (username) to a cache file.

            cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
        cache_file = cache_file or self.default_cache_file()
        with open(cache_file, 'wb') as pickle_file:
            cache = {
                'bridge_ip_address': self.bridge_ip_address,
                'user_name': self.user_name
            pickle.dump(cache, pickle_file)

    def fetch_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available lights from the bridge.

            [HueLight]: List of available lights. Also saved to `self.lights`
        url = self.base_url + "/lights"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        lights = []
        for id in response:
            state = response[id].get('state')
            name = response[id].get('name')
            hue_light = HueLight(int(id), name, state, url)
        self.lights = lights
        return lights

    def fetch_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available groups from the bridge

            [HueGroup]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.groups`
        url = self.base_url + "/groups"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        groups = []
        for id in response:
            group_name = response[id].get('name')
            lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
            group_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
            groups.append(HueGroup(id, group_name, group_lights))
        self.groups = groups
        return groups

    def fetch_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Fetch available scenes from the bridge

            [HueScene]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.scenes`
        url = self.base_url + "/scenes"
        response = re.get(url).json()
        scenes = []
        for id in response:
            scene_name = response[id].get('name')
            lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
            scene_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
            scenes.append(HueScene(id, scene_name, scene_lights))
        self.scenes = scenes
        self.grouped_scenes = HueScene.group_scenes(scenes)
        return scenes

    def print_debug_info(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print some debug info about bridge.
        print(f"Bridge IP address: {self.bridge_ip_address}")
        print(f"Bridge API key (username): {self.user_name}")
        print(f"API Base URL: {self.base_url}")

    def list_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the lights from `self.lights`
        for light in self.lights:

    def list_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the groups from `self.groups`
        for group in self.groups:
            print(group, "\n")

    def list_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.scenes`
        for scene in self.scenes:
            print(scene, "\n")

    def list_scene_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.grouped_scenes`.
        These scenes are in a `dict` of `{ scene_name(str) : [HueScene] }`
        for group in self.grouped_scenes:
            print(f"\nScene group:{group}")
            for scene in self.grouped_scenes[group]:

    def filter_lights(self, indices):
        Return only certain lights, by id

            indices ([int]): The ids of the lights we want

            [HueLight]: List of lights whose ids match `indices`
        if not indices:
            return self.lights
        return [light for light in self.lights if in indices]

    # Lights State Control

    def turn_on(self, indices=[]):
        Turn on only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn on. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def turn_off(self, indices=[]):
        Turn off only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn off. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def toggle_on(self, indices=[]):
        Toggle on/pff only those lights whose ids are provided

            indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to toggle. Defaults to [].
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def set_brightness(self, brightness, indices=[]):
        Set brightness on only those lights whose ids are provided

            brightness (int or float): int value in range [0, 255], or float value in range [0, 1]
            indices ([int], optional): Indices for lights we want to set brightness on.
            Defaults to [].
        if isinstance(brightness, str):
                brightness = float(brightness)
            except ValueError:
            if brightness == 'max':
                brightness = 254
            elif brightness == 'min':
                brightness = 1
            elif brightness == 'med':
                brightness = 127
        if isinstance(brightness, float):
            if brightness <= 1.0:
                brightness *= 254
            brightness = int(brightness)
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):

    def set_color(self, color, indices=[]):
        Set color for only those lights whose ids are provided

            color (str): The webcolor name of the color we want to set the lights to
            indices ([int], optional): Ids of lights we want to set color on. Defaults to [].
        if isinstance(color, str):
            color = webcolors.name_to_rgb(color)
            r = color[0] / 255
            g = color[1] / 255
            b = color[2] / 255
            r, g, b = color
        h, s, _ = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
        hue = int((2**16 - 1) * h)
        saturation = int((2**8 - 1) * s)
        for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
            light.set_color(hue, saturation)


def create_new_user(self, bridge_ip_address, *args, **kwargs)

Create a new API user for the Hue Bridge at the given IP address.


bridge_ip_address : str
The IP Address for the Hue Bridge


the Hue Bridge at the given address does not support interfacing via this API.
the button on the Bridge was not pressed, so the attempt to connect to it has failed
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def create_new_user(self, bridge_ip_address, *args, **kwargs):
    Create a new API user for the Hue Bridge at the given IP address.

        bridge_ip_address (str): The IP Address for the Hue Bridge

        DevicetypeException: the Hue Bridge at the given address does not support interfacing via this API.

        ButtonNotPressedException: the button on the Bridge was not pressed, so the attempt to connect to it has failed
    url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api'
    payload = {'devicetype': 'hue_cli'}
    response =, json=payload)
    response = response.json()[0]
    error = response.get('error')
    if error:
        if error['type'] == 1:
            raise DevicetypeException
            raise ButtonNotPressedException
    user_name = response.get('success').get('username')
    self.user_name = user_name
    self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
    self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'
def default_cache_file(self) ‑> str

Default cache file path, in the package's install directory.


Cache file path
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def default_cache_file(self) -> str:
    Default cache file path, in the package's install directory.

        str: Cache file path
    package_base_dir = inspect.getfile(hue_api)
    package_base_dir = os.path.dirname(package_base_dir)
    path = os.path.join(package_base_dir, '.pickle')
    return path
def fetch_groups(self, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch available groups from the bridge


List of available groups. Also saved to self.groups
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def fetch_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Fetch available groups from the bridge

        [HueGroup]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.groups`
    url = self.base_url + "/groups"
    response = re.get(url).json()
    groups = []
    for id in response:
        group_name = response[id].get('name')
        lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
        group_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
        groups.append(HueGroup(id, group_name, group_lights))
    self.groups = groups
    return groups
def fetch_lights(self, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch available lights from the bridge.


List of available lights. Also saved to self.lights
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def fetch_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Fetch available lights from the bridge.

        [HueLight]: List of available lights. Also saved to `self.lights`
    url = self.base_url + "/lights"
    response = re.get(url).json()
    lights = []
    for id in response:
        state = response[id].get('state')
        name = response[id].get('name')
        hue_light = HueLight(int(id), name, state, url)
    self.lights = lights
    return lights
def fetch_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs)

Fetch available scenes from the bridge


List of available groups. Also saved to self.scenes
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def fetch_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Fetch available scenes from the bridge

        [HueScene]: List of available groups. Also saved to `self.scenes`
    url = self.base_url + "/scenes"
    response = re.get(url).json()
    scenes = []
    for id in response:
        scene_name = response[id].get('name')
        lights = [int(light) for light in response[id].get('lights')]
        scene_lights = self.filter_lights(lights)
        scenes.append(HueScene(id, scene_name, scene_lights))
    self.scenes = scenes
    self.grouped_scenes = HueScene.group_scenes(scenes)
    return scenes
def filter_lights(self, indices)

Return only certain lights, by id


indices : [int]
The ids of the lights we want


List of lights whose ids match indices
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def filter_lights(self, indices):
    Return only certain lights, by id

        indices ([int]): The ids of the lights we want

        [HueLight]: List of lights whose ids match `indices`
    if not indices:
        return self.lights
    return [light for light in self.lights if in indices]
def list_groups(self, *args, **kwargs)

Print debug info on all the groups from self.groups

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def list_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Print debug info on all the groups from `self.groups`
    for group in self.groups:
        print(group, "\n")
def list_lights(self, *args, **kwargs)

Print debug info on all the lights from self.lights

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def list_lights(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Print debug info on all the lights from `self.lights`
    for light in self.lights:
def list_scene_groups(self, *args, **kwargs)

Print debug info on all the scenes from self.grouped_scenes. These scenes are in a dict of { scene_name(str) : [HueScene] }

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def list_scene_groups(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.grouped_scenes`.
    These scenes are in a `dict` of `{ scene_name(str) : [HueScene] }`
    for group in self.grouped_scenes:
        print(f"\nScene group:{group}")
        for scene in self.grouped_scenes[group]:
def list_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs)

Print debug info on all the scenes from self.scenes

Expand source code
def list_scenes(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Print debug info on all the scenes from `self.scenes`
    for scene in self.scenes:
        print(scene, "\n")
def load_existing(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs)

Load existing hue bridge user setting from cache_file. If no cache_file is provided, the self.default_cache_file method is used to make a cache file in the package's install directory. Finally, lastly, self.default_cache_file is used if not.

After running this method, the API is authenticated and the Hue bridge can be interacted with.


cache_file : str, optional
Path to cache file. Defaults to self.default_cache_file.


Hue API could not be initialized
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def load_existing(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Load existing hue bridge user setting from `cache_file`.
    If no `cache_file` is provided, the `self.default_cache_file` method is used to make a cache file in the package's install directory.
    Finally, lastly, `self.default_cache_file` is used if not.

    After running this method, the API is authenticated and the Hue bridge can be interacted with.

        cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
        UninitializedException: Hue API could not be initialized
        with open(cache_file, 'rb') as cached_file:
            loaded = pickle.load(cached_file)
        bridge_ip_address = loaded.get('bridge_ip_address')
        user_name = loaded.get('user_name')
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise UninitializedException
    self.bridge_ip_address = bridge_ip_address
    self.user_name = user_name
    self.base_url = f'http://{bridge_ip_address}/api/{user_name}'
def print_debug_info(self, *args, **kwargs)

Print some debug info about bridge.

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def print_debug_info(self, *args, **kwargs):
    Print some debug info about bridge.
    print(f"Bridge IP address: {self.bridge_ip_address}")
    print(f"Bridge API key (username): {self.user_name}")
    print(f"API Base URL: {self.base_url}")
def save_api_key(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs)

Save the API key (username) to a cache file.


cache_file : str, optional
Path to cache file. Defaults to self.default_cache_file.
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def save_api_key(self, cache_file=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Save the API key (username) to a cache file.

        cache_file (str, optional): Path to cache file. Defaults to `self.default_cache_file`.
    cache_file = cache_file or self.default_cache_file()
    with open(cache_file, 'wb') as pickle_file:
        cache = {
            'bridge_ip_address': self.bridge_ip_address,
            'user_name': self.user_name
        pickle.dump(cache, pickle_file)
def set_brightness(self, brightness, indices=[])

Set brightness on only those lights whose ids are provided


brightness : int or float
int value in range [0, 255], or float value in range [0, 1]
indices : [int], optional
Indices for lights we want to set brightness on.

Defaults to [].

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def set_brightness(self, brightness, indices=[]):
    Set brightness on only those lights whose ids are provided

        brightness (int or float): int value in range [0, 255], or float value in range [0, 1]
        indices ([int], optional): Indices for lights we want to set brightness on.
        Defaults to [].
    if isinstance(brightness, str):
            brightness = float(brightness)
        except ValueError:
        if brightness == 'max':
            brightness = 254
        elif brightness == 'min':
            brightness = 1
        elif brightness == 'med':
            brightness = 127
    if isinstance(brightness, float):
        if brightness <= 1.0:
            brightness *= 254
        brightness = int(brightness)
    for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
def set_color(self, color, indices=[])

Set color for only those lights whose ids are provided


color : str
The webcolor name of the color we want to set the lights to
indices : [int], optional
Ids of lights we want to set color on. Defaults to [].
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def set_color(self, color, indices=[]):
    Set color for only those lights whose ids are provided

        color (str): The webcolor name of the color we want to set the lights to
        indices ([int], optional): Ids of lights we want to set color on. Defaults to [].
    if isinstance(color, str):
        color = webcolors.name_to_rgb(color)
        r = color[0] / 255
        g = color[1] / 255
        b = color[2] / 255
        r, g, b = color
    h, s, _ = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
    hue = int((2**16 - 1) * h)
    saturation = int((2**8 - 1) * s)
    for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
        light.set_color(hue, saturation)
def toggle_on(self, indices=[])

Toggle on/pff only those lights whose ids are provided


indices : [int], optional
Indices for the lights we want to toggle. Defaults to [].
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def toggle_on(self, indices=[]):
    Toggle on/pff only those lights whose ids are provided

        indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to toggle. Defaults to [].
    for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
def turn_off(self, indices=[])

Turn off only those lights whose ids are provided


indices : [int], optional
Indices for the lights we want to turn off. Defaults to [].
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def turn_off(self, indices=[]):
    Turn off only those lights whose ids are provided

        indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn off. Defaults to [].
    for light in self.filter_lights(indices):
def turn_on(self, indices=[])

Turn on only those lights whose ids are provided


indices : [int], optional
Indices for the lights we want to turn on. Defaults to [].
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def turn_on(self, indices=[]):
    Turn on only those lights whose ids are provided

        indices ([int], optional): Indices for the lights we want to turn on. Defaults to [].
    for light in self.filter_lights(indices):